quake - ορισμός. Τι είναι το quake
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Τι (ποιος) είναι quake - ορισμός

The Quake; Quake (disambiguation); Quake (film)

·vt To cause to quake.
II. Quake ·noun A tremulous agitation; a quick vibratory movement; a shudder; a quivering.
III. Quake ·vi To shake, vibrate, or quiver, either from not being solid, as soft, wet land, or from violent convulsion of any kind; as, the earth quakes; the mountains quake.
IV. Quake ·vi To be agitated with quick, short motions continually repeated; to shake with fear, cold, ·etc.; to Shudder; to Tremble.
(quakes, quaking, quaked)
A quake is the same as an earthquake
The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages.
If you quake, you shake, usually because you are very afraid.
I just stood there quaking with fear...
Her shoulders quaked.
VERB: V with n, V
If you are quaking in your boots or quaking in your shoes, you feel very nervous or afraid, and may be feeling slightly weak as a result.
PHRASE: V inflects
A string-oriented language designed to support the construction of Modula-3 programs from modules, interfaces and libraries. Written by Stephen Harrison of DEC SRC, 1993.


Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για quake
1. The so–called Tangjiashan quake lake formed after last month‘s devastating magnitude 7.' quake.
2. See a map of where the quake struck» Since the quake struck Wednesday evening, the U.S.
3. The Indonesian national quake centre measured the quake at 5.8 on the Richter scale.
4. Geological Survey that the previous night‘s quake did not significantly elevate the likelihood of a dreaded Hayward Fault quake.
5. Tokyo has not suffered a major quake since 1'23, when an 8.3 magnitude quake killed 140,000 people.